
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

In Uncertain Times, Prepare Yourself for New Opportunities

Global financial collapse, rapid relocation of industries, emerging markets, political unrest, and just the fast pace of change all mean that things you take for granted today might be completely different tomorrow.

It’s a stressful time, and one in which long-term planning is becoming more and more difficult. Since you can’t possibly know what’s coming, it’s important that you keep your eyes open, and be ready to grab hold of new opportunities.

Here are some ideas about how to do that from

Take a Professional Inventory

Without adequate understanding of your own strengths (and weaknesses), you’re never going to be able to further your own development. Take some time to list your skills and talents. Add to that a list of your accomplishments, and how each achievement made use of those skills and talents.

Focus on Relationship-Building

Ayurtox for Body Detoxification

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Dr. Group's Secret to Health Kit

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