
Sunday, November 06, 2011

The pH Miracle for Weight Loss

According to the U.S. Census Bureau's "Statistical Abstract of the United States: 2007", Americans spend nearly 10 hours a day watching television, surfing the Internet, reading, and listening to music.

Almost half of that -- four and a half hours -- will be spent just watching television. This amounts to a total of more than 1500 hours of TV per person over the course of a year.

Americans also drink about a gallon of soda a week. These two statistics in part explain another figure why two thirds of Americans are currently overweight.

Dr. Robert O. Young now reveals a pH Miracle secret that obesity is not a fat problem but an over-acidic problem from acidic lifestyle and dietary choices. The body retains fat to protect the body from harmful acidic metabolic waste products that are not being properly elimnated through urination, perspiration, defication or respiration. Read more...

Ayurtox for Body Detoxification

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