
Friday, March 16, 2012

Luteolin blocks cellular signaling pathway to lower colon cancer risk

by: John Phillip

The result of a body of research published in the journal BMC Gastroenterology has found that consumption of the plant flavonoid luteolin is able to inhibit the activity of cell signaling pathways (known as IGF and PI3K) important for the growth of colon cancer. Extensive research has preceded this study to confirm the health-promoting and disease-fighting nature of natural plant compounds for a wide variety of vegetables and fruits consumed raw or minimally cooked.

Colon cancer is the second most frequent cause of cancer-related deaths in western populations. Any natural compound that can significantly lower the risk from this deadly illness without any side effect should warrant special consideration in the diet of any health-minded individual.

Colon cancer cells express elevated markers of an inflammatory protein known as insulin-like growth factor II (IGF-2) as compared to normal colon cancer tissue. Researchers believe that it is this inflammatory factor that is responsible for driving uncontrolled cell division and cancer growth. Read more...

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