
Sunday, December 11, 2005

Cytotoxicity of amalgams, alloys, and their elements and phases

Author: Kaga M; Seale NS; Hanawa T; Ferracane JL; Waite DE; Okabe TAddress: Baylor College of Dentistry, Dallas, Texas.SourceDent Mater, 1991 Jan, 7:1, 68-72AbstractThe purpose of this study was to compare the relative cytotoxicity of amalgams, alloys, and their constituent elements and phases, by means of a rapid and sensitive in vitro cell culture test.Pure copper and zinc showed intensive cytotoxicity, significantly greater than that of pure silver and mercury. Pure tin was non-cytotoxic.

The gamma-one phase (Ag2Hg3) revealed moderate cytotoxicity, which was significantly decreased by the addition of 1.5% and 5% Sn. However, the addition of 1.5% Zn to gamma 1 containing 1.5% Sn dramatically increased the cytotoxicity of gamma 1 to the same level as that of pure zinc. Whenever zinc was present in amalgams, higher cytotoxicity was revealed. High-copper amalgams showed the same cytotoxicity as a zinc-free low-copper amalgam. The addition of selenium did not reduce the cytotoxicity of amalgam. The cytotoxicity of amalgams was reduced after 24 h.The results of this study suggest that the major contributor to the cytotoxicity of alloy for amalgam is probably copper, while that for amalgam is zinc.
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Oxy-Powder® Complete Cleansing System

Oxy-Powder® Complete Cleansing System

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Interactions between dental amalgams and the oral environment.

Author: Marek MAddress: School of Materials Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta30332.Source: Adv Dent Res, 1992 Sep, 6:, 100-9


Dental amalgam fillings interact in a complex way with the environment in the oral cavity as they are subjected to chemical, biological, mechanical, and thermal forces. These forces change the restoration's appearance and properties, while metal ions, amalgam debris, non-metallic corrosion products, and mercury vapor are released into the oral cavity.

The phenomena and conditions that affect the amalgam/environment interaction include the chemistry and biochemistry of the environment, formation of biofilms on the amalgam surfaces, existence of localized corrosion cells, galvanic contacts with other metallic restorations, abrasion during mastication, and synergistic effects of the different forces.

Corrosion processes result in a degradation of the functional amalgam properties, while tarnishing reactions cause discoloration. Corrosion degradation of amalgam fillings is due mainly to localized corrosion cells in pores and crevices. Corrosion on occlusal surfaces is accelerated by abrasion during mastication, which removes the protective surface films. The average total amounts of metal species, including mercury, released per day in vivo from a restoration have not been determined.

Much of the reported indirect evidence for high mercury release rates is either unreliable or controversial. A more detailed investigation is needed and will require the development of more sophisticated techniques of sampling in vivo, as well as both experimental and theoretical modeling in vitro.
Dental Forum

The prevalence of sensitivity to constituents of dental alloys

AuthorNamikoshi T; Yoshimatsu T; Suga K; Fujii H; Yasuda KAddressDepartment of Removable Prosthodontics, Nagasaki University School ofDentistry, Japan.SourceJ Oral Rehabil, 1990 Jul, 17:4, 377-81AbstractNinety-five participants were epicutaneous patch tested in order to determine the prevalence of sensitivity to components of dental alloys. Seventeen individuals (17.9%) developed allergic reactions, which were caused by mercury (10.5%), copper (2.1%), nickel, cobalt, tin, gold and zinc (1.1%). Eight of 17 allergic responders had a history of dermatitis from metal contact. The results show that there is a need for careful immunological considerations during the selection of suitable alloys, particularly in the case of patients with lesions suspected of being caused by dental alloys.

Concentrations of heavy metals in maternal and umbilical cord blood.

AuthorOng CN; Chia SE; Foo SC; Ong HY; Tsakok M; Liouw PAddressDepartment of Community Medicine, National University of Singapore.SourceBiometals, 1993 Spr, 6:1, 61-6

AbstractConcentrations of lead, cadmium, methylmercury and total mercury were measured in maternal and umbilical cord blood using graphite atomic absorption spectrometry. Two essential metals, copper and zinc, were also determined using ion chromatography. Lead, copper and zinc were found to be lower in the cord blood whereas methylmercury and total mercury were higher in cord blood than in maternal blood. Little differences were noted for cadmium in maternal and cord blood.

Significant positive correlations were observed between the concentrations in maternal and cord blood with regard to lead (correlation coefficient, r = 0.44), copper (r = 0.34), zinc (r = 0.29), methylmercury (r = 0.44) and total mercury (r = 0.58). These results suggest that, like essential metals, most heavy metals can move rather freely across the human placenta. The potential health effects of heavy metal transfer from mothers to young infants cannot be discounted.

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Chemical & Heavy Metal Cleanse Starter Kit

Chemical & Heavy Metal Cleanse Starter Kit

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The Chemical & Heavy Metal Starter Kit was designed by Dr. Group for individuals that are new to the cleansing process, or are simply looking for an easy-to-perform, cost effective cleanse program. The Heavy Metal Starter Kit is comprised of LIFE Detox Foot Patches™, NDF Plus™, and Quantum Zeolite™.

Placental transfer of heavy metals in normal pregnant Japanese women

AuthorTsuchiya H; Mitani K; Kodama K; Nakata TAddressSourceArch Environ Health, 1984 Jan, 39:1, 11-7

AbstractTo investigate the interrelation of heavy metals and the influence on next generation, total mercury and methylmercury, lead, cadmium, manganese, copper, zinc, and iron were determined in the maternal blood, placenta, umbilical cord, and umbilical cord blood.

Samples were collected at delivery from 231 pregnant women who were living in the city of Nagoya, located in the central district of Japan, during 1974 and 1978. Total mercury and methylmercury, cadmium, and iron were higher in cord blood than in maternal blood, whereas copper and zinc were lower.

Significant positive correlations were observed between maternal and cord blood with regard to total mercury and methylmercury, lead, cadmium, and manganese contents. Significant correlations were also observed between many pairs of metals, particularly in umbilical cord and its blood.

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Reference intervals for trace elements in blood: significance of risk factors.

Grandjean P; Nielsen GD; Jýrgensen PJ; Hýrder M
Institute of Community Health, Odense University, Denmark.
Scand J Clin Lab Invest, 1992 Jun, 52:4, 321-37

A random sample of 100 men and 100 women was examined for whole-blood concentrations of mercury, lead, cadmium and selenium, and the serum concentrations of selenium, nickel, fluoride, aluminium, zinc and copper.

Major predictors were sex, hormonal factors (pregnancy, menopause, use of oral contraceptives), age, tobacco smoking and alcohol drinking.

Among notable associations, increased blood-mercury was related to the presence of more than four amalgam fillings in the teeth. Blood-mercury correlated with blood-selenium, but a relation to fish intake could only be demonstrated for the former parameter.

In women, blood-lead appeared to increase with age, with the highest levels seen after the menopause. Serum-nickel was slightly lower in patients with nickel-related contact eczema. Only the selenium concentrations showed a slight increase in individuals taking mineral supplements. Serum-zinc concentrations decreased considerably during the day. Thus, due to the substantial influence of physiological and environmental factors, individual results must be interpreted in the light of the known predictors for the trace element concentration. However, population-based reference intervals for trace elements in blood are useful to explore geographic and temporal variations.

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infertility, birth defects, and fetal developmental effects related to mercury from amalgam dental fillings

I. Introduction

Mercury is one of the most toxic substances commonly encountered, and according to Government agencies causes adverse health effects in large numbers of people in the U.S.[1,2] The extreme toxicity of mercury can be seen from documented effects on wildlife by very low levels of mercury exposure. Because of the extreme toxicity of mercury, only ½ gram is required to contaminate the ecosystem and fish of a 10 acre lake to the extent that a health warning would be issued by the government to not eat the fish [3]. Over half the rivers and lakes in Florida have such health warnings[4] banning or limiting eating of fish, as do approximately 20% of all U.S. lakes, all Great Lakes, 7% of all U.S. river miles, and many bays. Other countries including Canada have similar experience.

That mercury can affect fertility is well known since mercury has been commonly used as a spermicide in birth control products. Potential effects can again be seen from effects on wildlife. Some Florida panthers that eat birds and animals that eat fish, frogs, and turtles containing very low levels of mercury (about 1 part per million) have died from chronic mercury poisoning[5,6]. Since mercury is an estrogenic chemical and reproductive toxin, the majority of the rest cannot reproduce. The average male Florida panther has estrogen levels as high as females, due to the estrogenic properties of mercury. Similar is true of some other animals at the top of the food chain like alligators and wading birds[5,6,7], and marine mammals such as polar bears, seals, beluga and orca whales.

Mercury-Caused Endocrine Conditions Causing Widespread Adverse Health Effects, Cognitive Effects, and Fertility Effects B.Windham(Ed.)

Mercury-Caused Endocrine Conditions Causing Widespread Adverse Health Effects, Cognitive Effects, and Fertility Effects B.Windham(Ed.)

As will be documented in this paper, the majority of the population receives significant mercury exposures and significant adverse health effects are common. Mercury has been found to be an endocrine system disrupting chemical in animals and people, disrupting function of the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, thymus gland, adrenal gland, enzyme production processes, and affecting many hormonal functions at very low levels of exposure .

The main factors determining whether chronic conditions are induced by metals appear to be exposure and genetic susceptibility, which determines individuals immune sensitivity and ability to detoxify metals(405). Very low levels of exposure have been found to seriously affect large groups of individuals who are immune sensitive to toxic metals, or have an inability to detoxify metals due to such as deficient sulfoxidation or metallothionein function or other inhibited enzymatic processes related to detoxification or excretion of metals.

Common Exposures to Significant Levels of Mercury and Distribution in the Body
Most people with several amalgam fillings get daily exposure of mercury at levels well above
U.S. government health guidelines(16,19,20,49,199,211,500 ), which amount to about 4 to 8 micrograms per day(217). Mixed metals in the mouth such as amalgam dental fillings, metal crowns, and metal braces have been found to result in galvanic currents in the metals which drive the metals into the saliva and tissues of the oral cavity at high levels as well as systemically, with accumulations in the brain and hormonal glands(84,85,192,348,369,381,500). Additionally, electric and electromagnetic fields from appliances, computer monitors, power lines, etc. cause electric currents in metals in the mouth which further increase exposures to mercury and other metals(28).

Mercury and nickel, which are highly neurotoxic (19,84,217,372,453,500) and immunotoxic(181,91,114ab,380b,369,383ab,405), are often found at high levels in tests of those with mixed metals in the mouth and are known to commonly cause DNA damage(296,458,114), immune reactivity (234,330,331,342,369,375,383,405,91), and hormonal effects in animals and humans(50,84,104,105,369,382,459), including related reproductive effects. Government health agencies in other countries such as Health Canada and amalgam manufacturers have warned against using amalgam near other metals(287,500), but this is still common in the U.S. and several other countries.

Children typically also get high levels of exposure to highly toxic organic mercury compounds such as ethyl mercury through thimerosal, used as a preservative in vaccines (160,409,476,555), and to methyl mercury from fish(2). Warnings to ban or limit consumption of fish have been issued for 20 percent of all U.S. lakes, including all Great Lakes, as well as 7 percent of all U.S. river miles and many bays(2). Mercury (especially mercury vapor or organic mercury) rapidly crosses the blood brain barrier and is stored preferentially in the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, hypothalamus, and occipital cortex in direct proportion to the number and extent of dental amalgam surfaces (14,16,19,85,99,211,273,274,287,327,348,366,369,453), and likewise rapidly crosses the placenta and accumulates in the fetal brain and hormonal glands at levels commonly higher than the level in the mother(20,28,50,61,500). Thus mercury has a greater effect on the functions of these areas.

Mercury exposures from the various sources have been found to be cumulative and synergistic along with exposures to other toxic metals(500).
Endocrine System Effects of Mercury and Related Neurological and Immune Effects
Studies have documented that mercury causes hypothyroidism(50,390,35), damage of thyroid RNA(458), autoimmune thyroiditis(369,382,91), and impairment of conversion of thyroid T4 hormone to the active T3 form(369,382,390,459,35,50d). In general immune activation from toxics such as heavy metals resulting in cytokine release and abnormalities of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis can cause changes in the brain, fatigue, and severe psychological symptoms(369,375,379-382, 385,453,118) such as profound fatigue, muscoskeletal pain, sleep disturbances, gastrointestinal and neurological problems as are seen in CFS, Fibromyalgia, and autoimmune thyroiditis.. Such hypersensitivity has been found most common in those with genetic predisposition to heavy metal sensitivity (342,369,382,405), such as found more frequently in patients with HLA-DRA antigens (375,381,383). A significant portion of the population appears to fall in this category. Mercury is documented to accumulate in the gastrointestinal tract(19,20) and commonly causes "leaky gut" and poor absorption which are a factor in these conditions(21,338). Such symptoms usually improve significantly after amalgam removal(500).

Mercury can have significant effects on thyroid function even though the main hormone levels remain in the normal range, so the usual thyroid tests are not adequate in such cases. Prenatal methylmercury exposure severely affects the activity of selenoenzymes, including glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and 5-iodothyronine deiodinases(5-Di and 5'-DI) in the fetal brain, even though thyroxine(T4) levels are normal(390e). Gpx activity is severely inhibited, while 5-DI levels are decreased and 5'-DI increased in the fetal brain, similar to hypothyroidism. Thus normal thyroid tests will not pick up this condition.

Mercury reduces the bloods ability to transport oxygen to fetus and transport of essential nutrients including amino acids, glucose, magnesium, zinc and Vit B12 (43,96,198,263,264,338,339,347,427); depresses enzyme isocitric dehydrogenase (ICD) in fetus, causes reduced iodine uptake, autoimmune thyroiditis, & hypothyroidism.

(50,91,212,222,369,382,459,35). According to survey tests, 8 to 10 % of untreated women were found to have thyroid imbalances so the actual level of hypothyroidism is higher than commonly recognized(508). Even larger percentages of women had elevated levels of antithyroglobulin(anti-TG) or antithyroid peroxidase antibody(anti-TP). Studies indicate that slight imbalances (subclinical) of thyroid hormones in expectant mothers can cause permanent neuropsychiatric damage in the developing fetus(509).

Low first trimester levels of free T4 and positive levels of anti-TP antibodies in the mother during pregnancy have been found to result significantly reduces IQs(509a-e) and causes psychomotor deficits(509f). Hypothyroidism is a well documented cause of mental retardation(511f). Women with the highest levels of thyroid-stimulating-hormone(TSH) and lowest free levels of thyroxine 17 weeks into their pregnancies were significantly more likely to have children who tested at least one standard deviation below normal on an IQ test taken at age 8(509a). Based on study findings, maternal hypothyroidism appears to play a role in at least 15% of children whose IQs are more than 1 standard deviation below the mean, millions of children..Studies have also established a connection between maternal thyroid disease and babies born with heart defects(509h).

The American Assoc. of Clinical Endocrinologists advises that all women considering becoming pregnant should get a serum thyrotropin test so that hypothyroidism can be diagnosed and treated early(558). Another test that should be considered is a hair element test for mercury or toxic metal exposures and essential mineral imbalances.

Studies have also established a "clear association" between the presence of thyroid antibodies and spontaneous abortions(511). Levels of recurrent abortions in a population with positive levels of thyroid antibodies in one study were 40%, 5 times the normal rate(511).

Hypothyroidism is a well documented risk factor in spontaneous abortions and infertility(9,511). Another study of pregnant women who suffer from hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) found a four-times greater risk for miscarriage during the second trimester than those who don't(511), and women with untreated thyroid deficiency were four-times more likely to have a child with a developmental disabilities(509f-h). Mercury through its affects on the endocrine system is also documented to cause other reproductive effects including infertility, low sperm counts, abnormal sperm, endometriosis, PMS, adverse effects on reproductive organs, etc. (9,50,104,105,390,500).

Mercury blocks thyroid hormone production by occupying iodine binding sites and inhibiting hormone action even when the measured thyroid level appears to be in proper range(390,35). The thyroid and hypothalamus regulate body temperature and many metabolic processes including enzymatic processes that when inhibited result in higher dental decay(35) .

Mercury damage thus commonly results in poor bodily temperature control, in addition to many problems caused by hormonal imbalances such as depression. Such hormonal secretions are affected at levels of mercury exposure much lower than the acute toxicity effects normally tested (50,390,84), as previously confirmed by hormonal/reproductive problems in animal populations (104,381c,50d). Mercury also damages the blood brain barrier and facilitates penetration of the brain by other toxic metals and substances(311). Hypothyroidism is also known to be a major factor in cardiovascular disease(510,509h).

The pituitary gland controls many of the body's endocrine system functions and secretes hormones that control most bodily processes, including the immune system and reproductive systems . One study found mercury levels in the pituitary gland ranged from 6.3 to 77 ppb(85), while another(348) found the mean level to be 30ppb- levels found to be neurotoxic and cytotoxic in animal studies. Some of the effect on depression is related to mercury's effect of reducing the level of posterior pituitary hormone(oxytocin). Low levels of pituitary function are associated with depression and suicidal thoughts, and appear to be a major factor in suicide of teenagers and other vulnerable groups. The pituitary glands of a group of dentists had 800 times more mercury than controls(99). This may explain why dentists have much higher levels of emotional problems, depression, suicide, etc(500,Section VIII.). Amalgam fillings, nickel and gold crowns are major factors in reducing pituitary function(35,50,369,etc.). Supplementary oxytocin extract has been found to alleviate many of these mood problems(35), along with replacement of metals in the mouth(107,500-Section VI.). The normalization of pituitary function also often normalizes menstrual cycle problems, endometriosis, and increases fertility(35,9,500).

Mercury accumulates in the adrenal gland and disrupts adrenal gland function(84,369,381).
In general immune activation from toxics such as heavy metals resulting in cytokine release and abnormalities of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis can cause changes in the brain, fatigue, and severe psychological symptoms(369,375,379-383,453,107) such as depression, profound fatigue, muscoskeletal pain, sleep disturbances, gastrointestinal and neurological problems as are seen in CFS, Fibromyalgia, and autoimmune thyroiditis. Such symptoms usually improve significantly after amalgam removal(500,Section VI). Such hypersensitivity has been found most common in those with genetic predisposition to heavy metal sensitivity (342,369,375,382) such as found more frequently in patients with HLA-DRA antigens(375,381,383).

A significant portions of the population appear to fall in this category.
Thyroid imbalances, which are documented to be commonly caused by mercury (369,382,459,35,50,91,212), have been found to play a major role in chronic heart conditions such as clogged arteries, mycardial infarction, and chronic heart failure(510). In a recent study, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, researchers reported that subclinical hypothyroidism is highly prevalent in elderly women and is strongly and independently associated with cardiac atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction(510c). People who tested hypothyroid usually have significantly higher levels of homocysteine and cholesterol, which are documented factors in heart disease. 50% of those testing hypothyroid, also had high levels of homocysteine (hyperhomocysteinenic) and 90% were either hyperhomocystemic or hypercholesterolemic(510a). These are also known factors in developing arteriosclerotic vascular disease. Homocysteine levels are significantly increased in hypothtyroid patients and normalize with treatment(510efg).

The thymus gland plays a significant part in the establishment of the immune system and lymphatic system from the 12th week of gestation until puberty. Inhibition of thymus function can thus affect proper development of the immune and lymphatic systems. Lymphocyte differentiation, maturation and peripheral functions are affected by the thymic protein hormone thymulin. Mercury at very low concentrations has been seen to impair some lymphocytic functions causing subclinical manifestations in exposed workers. Animal studies have shown mercury significantly inhibits thymulin production at very low micromolar levels of exposure(513a).

The metal allergens mercuric chloride and nickel sulfate were found to stimulate DNA synthesis of both immature and mature thymocytes at low levels of exposure, so chronic exposure can have long term effects(513b). Also, micromolar levels of mercuric ions specifically blocked synthesis of ribosomal RNA, causing fibrillarin relocation from the nucleolus to the nucleoplasm in epithelial cells as a consequence of the blockade of ribosomal RNA synthesis. This appears to be a factor in deregulation of basic cellular events and in autoimmunity caused by mercury. There were specific immunotoxic and biochemical alterations in lymphoid organs of mice treated at the lower doses of mercury. The immunological defects were consistent with altered T-cell function as evidenced by decreases in both T-cell mitogen and mixed leukocyte responses. There was a particular association between the T-cell defects and inhibition of thymic pyruvate kinase, the rate-limiting enzyme for glycolysis(513c).

Pyruvate and glycolysis problems are often seen in mercury toxic children being treated for autism(409).
A direct mechanism involving mercury's inhibition of hormones and cellular enzymatic processes by binding with the hydroxyl radical(SH) in amino acids appears to be a major part of the connection to allergic/immune reactive/autoimmune conditions such as autism/ADHD (409-411,439,464,468,476,33,160), schizophrenia(409,410), lupus(113,234,330,331,468), Scleroderma(468), eczema and psoriasis (323,375,385,419,33), and allergies (271,313,330,331, 369,375,468). Mercury and other toxic metals also form inorganic compounds with OH, NH2, CL, in addition to the SH radical and thus inhibits many cellular enzyme processes, coenzymes, hormones, and blood cells(405,409,500,555).

For example mercury has been found to strongly inhibit the activity of dipeptyl peptidase (DPP IV) which is required in the digestion of the milk protein casein(411,412) as well as of xanthine oxidase(439). Studies involving a large sample of autistic and schizophrenic patients found that over 90 % of those tested had high levels of the neurotoxic milk protein beta-casomorphine-7 in their blood and urine and defective enzymatic processes for digesting milk protein(410). Elimination of milk products from the diet has been found to improve the condition. Similar results have been seen in similarly but lesser affected patients with other pervasive developmental conditions such as ADHD. Such populations have also been found to have many with high levels of mercury who recover after mercury detox (409,413,369,160).

As mercury levels are reduced the protein binding is reduced and improvement in the enzymatic process occurs. Additional cellular level enzymatic effects of mercury's binding with proteins include blockage of sulfur oxidation processes (33,114,194,330,331,412), enzymatic processes involving vitamins B6 and B12(418), effects on the cytochrome-C energy processes (43,84,338c,35), along with mercury's adverse effects on cellular mineral levels of calcium, magnesium, zinc, and lithium (43,96,333,338,160,500). Thus some of the main mechanisms of toxic effects of metals include cytotoxicity; changes in cellular membrane permeability; inhibition of enzymes, coenzymes, and hormones; and generation of lipid peroxides or free radicals- which result in neurotoxicity, immunotoxicity, impaired cellular respiration, gastrointestinal/metabolic effects, hormonal effects, and immune reactivity or autoimmunity.

Mercury has been found to cause hormonal changes which cause hair loss and greying of hair. In a large German study where 20,000 were tested, allergies and hair-loss were found to be 2-3 times as high in a group with large numbers of amalgam fillings compared to controls(199,9). Levels of mercury in follicular fluid was significantly higher for those with amalgam fillings (9,146). Based on this finding, a Gynecological Clinic that sees a large number of women suffering from alopecia/hair loss that was not responding to treatment had amalgams replaced in 132 women who had not responded to treatment. 68 % of the women then responded to treatment and alopecia was alleviated(187).

In other studies involving amalgam removal, the majority had significant improvement (40,317,500). Higher levels of hormone disturbances, immune disturbances, infertility, and recurrent fungal infections were also found in the amalgam group. The results of hormone tests, cell culture studies, an intervention studies agree(9,146). Other clinics have also found alleviation of hair loss/alopecia after amalgam removal and detox(40,317). Another study in Japan found significantly higher levels of mercury in gray hair than in dark hair(402).
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Scientific Facts on the Biological Effects of Mercury Amalgams

Mercury penetrates the blood-brain barrier around the brain, and as little as one part per million can impair this barrier, permitting entry of substances in the blood that would otherwise be excluded.
--Chang and Hartman, 1972; Chang and Burkholder, 1974
The effect of mercury on the nervous system selectively inhibits protein and amino acid absorption into brain tissue.
--Yoshino et al.,1966; Steinwall, 1969; Steinwall and Snyder, 1969; Cavanagh and Chen, 1971
Mercury inhibits the synaptic uptake of neurotransmitters in the brain and can produce subsequent development of Parkinson's disease.
--Ohlson and Hogstedt, "Parkinsons Disease and Occupational Exposure to Organic Solvents, Agricultural Chemicals and Mercury" Scandinavian Journal of Work Environment Health Vol 7 No.4 : 252-256,1981
Mercury is nephrotoxic (toxic to the kidneys) and causes pathological damage.
--Nicholson et al, "Cadmium and Mercury Nephrotoxicity" Nature Vol 304:633, 1983
Chronic exposure to mercury may cause an excess of serum proteins in the urine which may progress to nephrotic syndrome and peculiar susceptibility to infections that break into and modify the course of any pre-existing disease.
--Friberg et al, 1953 "Kidney Injury after chronic exposure to inorganic mercury" Archives of Environmenal Health Vol 15:64, 1967; Kazantis et al, 1962 "Albuminuria and the Nephrotic Sundrome Following Exposure to Mercury" Quarterly Journal of Medicine Vol 31: 403-418, 1962; Joselow and Goldwater, 1967 "Absorption and Excretion of Mercury in Man and Mercury Content of "normal" Human Tissues" Archives of Environmental Health Vol 15:64, 1967
Mercury fillings can contribute to a higher level of mercury in the blood, and can affect the functioning of the heart, change the vascular response to norepinepherine and potassium chloride, and block the entry of calcium ions into the cytoplasm.
--Abraham et al, 1984 "The Effect of Dental amalgam Restorations on Blood Mercury Levels" Journal of Dental Research Vol 63 No.1:71-73,1984; Kuntz et al, "Maternal and Cord Blood Background Mercury Levels: A Longitudinal Surveillance" American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Vol 143 No. 4: 440-443, 1982; Joselow et al, 1972; Mantyla and Wright, 1976; Trakhtenberg, 1968; Oka et al, 1979
Mercury exposure from amalgams leads to interference with brain catecholamine reactivity levels, has a pronounced effect on the human endocrine system, and accumulates in both the thyroid and pituitary glands, reducing production of important hormones.
--Carmignani, Finelli and Boscolo, 1983; Kosta et al, 1975; Trakhtenberg, 1974
Mercury induces the thyroid gland to absorb an increasing amount of nuclear radiation from the environment.
--Trakhtenberg, 1974
Mercury can impair the adrenal and testicular steroid hormone secretions, cause intolerance for stress and decreased sexual ability. In rats, it causes subnormal fertility and sperm production.
--Burton and Meikle, 1980; Khera, 1973; Stoewsand et al, 1971; Lee and Dixon, 1975; Thaxton and Parkhurst, 1973
Mercury in the body can produce contact dermititis and reduced function of the adrenal glands (Addison's disease), producing progressive anemia, low blood pressure, diarrhea and digestive disturbances.
--Alomar et al, 1983
Mercury has a distinct effect on the human immune system, especially the white blood cells. Mercury ions have been observed to cause chromosomal aberrations and alters the cellular genetic code. Mercury has the ability to induce chromosomal breakage, alter cellular mitosis, cause a drop in T-cell production and kill white blood cells.
--Vershaeve et al, 1976; Popescu et al, 1979; Skerfving et al, 1970,1974; Fiskesjo, 1970
Mercury has an effect on the fetal nervous system, even at levels far below that considered to be toxic in adults. Background levels of mercury in mothers correlate with incidence of fetal birth defects and still births.
--Reuhl and Chang, 1979;Clarkson et al, 1981; Marsh et al, 1980; Tejning, 1968; Kuntz, W.D., Pitkin, R.M., Bostrum, A.W., and Hughes M.S., The American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Vol 143 No.4:440-443,1982
Mercury in the human body can contribute to intelligence disturbances, speech difficulties, limb deformity, and hyperkinesia (hyperactivity resulting from brain damage). Abnormally small heads and retardation were present in 60% of cases.
--Amin-Zaki and Clarkson, et al, 1979

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Why to replace Mercury (Amalgam) Fillings

Amalgam literally means mixed with mercury, and in the dental sense that is true. Powdered metals and metal compounds consisting of silver, copper, tin and zinc are mixed with about an equal weight of liquid mercury.

Symptoms and signals of amalgam poisoning :
gastrointestinal problems, sleep disturbances, concentration problems, memory disturbances, lack of initiative, restlessness, numbness of arms and legs , bleeding gums, burning tongue, metallic taste, leg pain , arm pain, ( thanks to thallium polluted amalgam filings), headaches , low immunity, Alzheimer's Disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and many other correlated symptoms. Nobody really knows how big is list of these symptoms.

Alternatives To Mercury Fillings

Non-metal, non-metal dentistry Materials that can be used instead of Amalgam, or nickel crowns

Mercury from fillings contributes 3 to 4 times more mercury to our bodies than all the environmental sources combined.
Many people still don't realize that the majority of the new cavities we see in children today occur just in the center of the molar teeth. The tiny groves there are flaws which invite early decay. By the age of 6 a child has 4 permanent first molars.
Mercury fillings require the removal of the middle third of the tooth. The material itself is weak and cannot be used in a thin layer. The dentist must drill deeply into the softer dentin area of the tooth and drill undercuts into the healthy tooth even where there is no disease. This approach was developed in 1908 by G.V. Black. As a result of this kind of filling, the tooth is now weakened by 75%.
Mercury fillings also expand after being placed in the tooth. The bigger the filling the more they expand. If any moisture gets into the filling they expand rapidly. Temperature can also cause expansion. All this expansion within the tooth eventually results in fracture.
Once broken the tooth may require a root canal or crown or extraction. Often the fracture is so severe that in spite of all efforts the tooth is lost.

Metall free fillings:
Composite fillings materials (with porcelain particles)
Lab processed composites fillings
Lab processed porcelain fillings
Last two have solved the wear and placement problems of the composite fillings.

The cheapest Choice:Composite Filling Materials
If you are restoring a tooth for the first time then composite filling materials will not only strengthen the tooth as well as provide greater longevity and beauty than the mercury/silver ones but, more importantly it is far less damaging to the healthy tooth.
The majority of initial composite fillings require only minimal natural tooth removal and not only restore decayed areas but also seal up weak spots so decay will not penetrate the other surface groves.
Sealed surfaces ARE protected as long as the sealant lasts. When it wears out it can easily be reapplied until the child grows out of this cavity prone period. However, the composite sealant must be placed before decay begins. On the average 36% of the children today are cavity free. However, those children raised in the southwest are much more likely to be cavity free than those from the northeast. No single cause can be found for these differences.

Earlier Composites
Earlier Composites were not strong enough for replacing big mercury/silver fillings in the hard-biting back teeth. As a result, stronger and better light cured materials have been developed,yet technical problems still exists in placing these restorations. They shrink 1% to 3% upon setting and lack the crushing strength to withstand the enormous biting forces some people can generate. Sensitivity and recurrent decay results from the shrinkage and excessive wear is the result of low strength.
Progress for the 1990's: Indirect Composites
Since the mid-80's a new system, called indirect composites combines the best of the composite and the strength of a natural tooth. This inlay process is much easier on the patient (and dentist) and has virtually eliminated the two major drawbacks to the composite restoration.

If you want to replace amalgam, please read first this :
The IAOMT recommended patient protection procedure for mercury/silver replacement is to:
First: Protect the patient's breathing zone. Drilling out old fillings can release enormous amounts of mercury into the air. If the patient is given a nasal hood this exposure can be prevented. Many dentists recommend a rubber dam..
Second: The dentist should cut the fillings in half or quarters with a small burr and lots of water then remove the pieces. This avoids excessive drilling of tooth or grinding on the old fillings.
Third: The tooth is cleaned and shaped with a diamond burr, some undercuts may be removed, and an accurate impression is made. Here technique may differ from office to office. Dentist will temporize the tooth with a light cured temporary composite and send the patient home.
Fourth : Dentist then make a model of the tooth preparation in out lab and fill the preparation with a good quality posterior composite. This filing is first set with light and then heated or baked at 270o F for 14 minutes. Once baked the filling is then etched with acid and sand blasted so it can be bonded to the tooth.
Last: The patient returns usually in a day or two and the temporary is removed. The tooth is cleaned and prepared for bonding. The Bowen system is currently the strongest in attaching the new filling to enamel and dentin. With the newest generation of dentin bonding the filling can be essentially welded to the remaining tooth structure. Once completed the bite is adjusted and margins polished. This restoration can be virtually invisible to the naked eye and feels wonderful.
Some situations will still require a full (or partial) crown but almost any tooth that can hold a filling now can be restored with this procedure.

The baking process more completely cures the filling and greatly increases the crushing strength.
Minimal uncured chemical resin is left and the result is a much stronger wear resistant and far less toxic filling. In addition the shrinkage takes place outside of the mouth and the small gap that results will be filled with a thin layer of composite resin cement. The welding of the filling to the tooth makes the tooth stronger and more resistant to fracture.
Children born today need never have the mercury packed into their teeth that we did.
Those of us who already have the large mercury/silver fillings must consider how best to restore our teeth.
The larger the cavity the worse a composite filling will hold up. Excessive wear especially becomes a problem for some brands when used in molar teeth. If the decay has penetrated deeply in between the teeth composites can leak and are more difficult to place. Lab processed composites and porcelain fillings appear to have solved both the wear and placement problems.
As to expense, the initial cost of a filling must be weighed against the long term expense. Fillings which require the dentist to remove excessive amounts of good tooth structure are not cheap. Which is best?
My first recommendation is to prevent the cavity if at all possible. Seal out decay. If the damage is already done then repair it with the most durable material available and try harder to prevent the next cavity. As Hippocrates said, "First and foremost do no harm". I don't think he would have approved either toxic fillings or drilling away the good tooth.

Fresh Mouth

Fresh Mouth

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Fresh Mouth - is our newly formulated treatment spray to which we have added Coenzyme Q-10, Xylitol, and Colloidal Silver. When Fresh Mouth was first put together some years ago, we advised our customer base that the formula would grow as new biological dental information was brought forth.

Juniper Berry's Dental Cleanup -A log of my symptoms four days post-removal. -Symptom Log

My dental cleanup was done four days ago, and I have not needed any pain meds of any kind. I had some severe cramping in the usual spot (splenic flexure) the day after my removals, several hours after I had eaten. That pain was quickly relieved by lying down for a few minutes. All of the pre-wheatgrass supplement pains revisited me, including the breast pain because although I took four servings of my wheatgrass shakes to eat on my trip, I only ate one during my four day trip. All of that pain has now passed for the most part. Since I had so little going into my body, I had so little coming out. I had my first BM 60 hours after my dental work.

I cannot believe that I didn’t try harder to make it happen sooner, but I did eat about eight activated charcoal capsules. Hopefully that absorbed and held most of the released toxins.
I have experienced some mild lower back pain for about three days, but it has not hindered my activities in any way. In the past, I have suffered such extreme back pain (kidney pain) that I could hardly move for days—this is nothing even remotely close to that. My gums have been sore for a couple of days due to the cavitation clean outs. I still have my four stitches, one over each wisdom tooth site. The evening and night after my extraction, I kept swallowing blood (not a bad thing—beats the alternative). The next night I had excessive salivation. The tinnitus (ringing in my ears) increased after removal, probably due to some mercury exposure. It is now so loud that I can hear it almost no matter what I’m doing, unless external noise is pretty loud.

The rash on my arm has gradually diminished until it is nearly imperceptible today! I attribute this in part to the Vitamin C IV and the lymphatic massage—not to be missed!!! My jaws were extremely sore the day after my dental work, but by the time I finished my lovely breakfast, I was able to open my mouth fully. The soreness was gone by the following day, although I do have some stiffness due to constantly grinding and messing with my teeth—I’m still trying to get used to the feel of my new fillings.

I have a definite lessening of hay fever symptoms. Although I had a strong sore throat the day after my dental work, it has passed and was not related to a bacterial/viral sickness. On Sunday in church, I noticed a distinct improvement in my vocal agility and stamina!!! I was able to sing for hours without getting hoarse—this is a miracle. I have struggled with my vocal performance for YEARS, and I believe that I have been set free from that bondage! I am able to breathe more deeply and freely. My sinus passages are clearer. My speech function seems to also have improved. I don’t hesitate as much, and I can think of the proper words more quickly. I’m sharper, more willing to talk to people without weighing every single word as if my life depends on it. I am also able to type more quickly.

Fresh Mouth

Fresh Mouth

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Fresh Mouth - is our newly formulated treatment spray to which we have added Coenzyme Q-10, Xylitol, and Colloidal Silver. When Fresh Mouth was first put together some years ago, we advised our customer base that the formula would grow as new biological dental information was brought forth.

Visit our Dental Forum at

Visit our Dental Amalgam Replacement Support - Metal Dentistry Forum - Mercury Amalgam Replacement at

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Dr. Group's Secret to Health Kit

Dr. Group's Secret to Health Kit

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Dr. Group's Secret to Health Kit offers simple at-home solutions for cleansing internally and externally thereby reducing toxins, restoring the body's natural healing process, and helping you achieve true health and happiness.

Advanced Body Cleansing Kit

Advanced Body Cleansing Kit

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Advanced Body Cleansing Kit with Livatrex™, Oxy-Powder®, Latero-Flora™ and two bottles of ParaTrex®.